I am originally from Scotland, and grew up in Bridge of Allan, just outside Stirling. I was always artistic and creative but, as many artists will say, I never considered art a viable career option. I studied Photography, Film and TV at university, then several years later returned to study Forensic Medicine and Science and became a Fingerprint expert in Glasgow.
It was only when my husband and I emigrated to Nova Scotia in 2013 that I started seriously considering a career using my artistic abilities. We came looking for a more relaxed, rural lifestyle, and I wanted that from my career as well. We live on the North Mountain in the Annapolis Valley, where I’m always inspired by the landscape around me; farms, fishing villages, coastlines and forests.
I work in several different mediums. My go-to paint is acrylic; I find it very versatile and I work in multiple, quick-drying layers. In the last few years I have also been branching out into oil painting. It is a complex medium, but the ability to blend oil paint is unbeatable – it’s slow-drying nature being both a huge benefit and, to someone used to acrylics, occasionally frustrating!

Evening Light. 18″x24″ acrylic on wood panel. Private collection.

Moving here, from a big city, I have discovered the wonder of total dark and silence at night, and living in nature. The theme of silence, of stillness, of calm, is one that runs through all of my work, and I hope that anyone viewing it can enjoy a moment of peace and tranquility.
Before 24hr distractions we used to sit and contemplate things. Before 24hr lights we were comfortable in the dark. My intention with my paintings is to capture something of that simpler time, when things didn’t need to be fast-paced, computer generated or changing every 2 seconds to hold our attention. I find the beauty in the still, the simple, the atmospheric, whether it is a candle in the dark, a white sail against the blue sky, or a small house in the landscape.
If you’re interested in my work you can find it for sale at Made in the Maritimes and the Teichert Gallery in Halifax. I also sell some pieces privately. I am a member of the Federation of Canadian Artists and my work is occasionally in their group shows. Select ‘portfolio’ from the top menu to see what pieces are currently available, and where. You can keep up to date with upcoming exhibitions and private sales by joining my newsletter. I am happy to consider commissions in any of the styles on this site, from small paintings to large.